Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inherited what?!

Faux News is desperately lying to try and rewrite history: the only glimmer
This president inherited a budget surplus, but he also inherited what he called “the trifecta of bad times.” There’s the president headed out to marine one right now. […] he inherited the 9/11 attacks. He inherited the recession and he inherited some tough times on wall street.

Read the rest at Think Progress

The only glimmer of truth in the statement above are the words ... inherited a budget surplus. The rest is a big pile of horse-hockey. Now if they had used usurper for the shrub - that would be truthful and the idiot (his policies) was the direct causation of the economic meltdown and the recession - so when did he 'inherit' what he caused in the first place?! As to the 9/11 attacks - he ignored the flashing neon warning signs put up by those that did the attacking saying they were going to attack ... so inherited is not the correct term there, either. Stupid arrogance is a better term.

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