Sunday, February 8, 2009

Green or is it

From TreeHugger:

New Study Finds Corn-based Ethanol More Harmful Than Oil-based Gasoline

Corn Fuel Burning Vehicle Photo
Photo via: Silfverduk

Currently in the news, the producers of ethanol are pressing their thumbs to the government, asking them to overturn the 25-year rule limiting the mix of ethanol which can be added to gasoline from its current 10 percent to as much as 15 percent. In the meantime, the Agricultural Department is in discussions with the EPA on raising the current ethanol blend percentage in order to help protect the ethanol industry, which has been deemed a key contributor to the “new energy future”.

Okay, that sounds just great. But a recent study is warning that the corn-based ethanol produced in the US, may in fact be more harmful and costly than helpful and clean... (read on)

Article continues: New Study Finds Corn-based Ethanol More Harmful Than Oil-based Gasoline

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