Sunday, February 8, 2009

Print your own money

From TreeHugger as well:

How to Print Your Own Money, Build Community & Not Get Arrested by the Feds

berkshares being printed photo
photo: Jason Houston/Berkshares

I want anyone who’s got a joke on the tip of their tongue about ‘monopoly money’ to put it out of their mind. Printing your own local community currency is a perfectly legitimate thing to do—you can’t make your own local coins but bills are legal, at least in the US—and can be a great way to encourage shopping at local businesses. It doesn’t replace federal printed currency, but augments it by getting people to make the practical and symbolic gesture of supporting local businesses before national chains.

Think it’s tough to get started, to convince businesses to accept the currency and for people to attach value to it, you may be right. But here are a few examples of places which have taken their local monetary system into their own hands:

The article continues here.

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