Monday, March 9, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for today are:

Franks (r-Arizona) lies that Reid (D-Nevada) supports non-existent 'Red Light Express' to Nevada brothel

Cornyn (r-Texas) is circulating a petition demanding that the Obama administration come clean about its "conspiracy" to smear Lush Dimbulb

King (r-Michigan) introduces "Victory in Iraq" resolution "chronicling the success of the troop surge in Iraq"

Hutchison (r-Texas) says "Every major tax cut in history has created more revenue", and of course, she's dead wrong

Conservative audience roars with applause when wing-nut activist Kincaid says Obama wasn't born in US

Faux's Handjob accuses Reid (D-Nevada) of wanting American troops to die

NBC's Nazi Cuntler says Soros was "a Nazi collaborator, literally"

Disney's Savage says Obama and Chavez are terrorists

Huckabee compares Obama administration to the USSR

Will spreads more lies in new global warming column

Wing-nuts claims stock market declined because Obama was nominated for President

MSNBC's Scarborough lies that Obama is moving the US "closer toward European-style socialism"

Disney's Savage declares "Obama is a dictator"

Louisiana Governor Jindal's Katrina story was a lie

Latest repugican stupid 'issue': Obama reads speeches off a teleprompter

Faux's Brick jokes about killing buyers of Blagojevich's book

Jindal's jab at volcano monitoring -- disingenuous, anti-science, and just plain dumb

DeMint (r-South Carolina) says students in D.C. public schools are more likely to join gangs than graduate

Makes you wonder what they have been smoking, doesn't it?!
It has to be some good shit!

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