Monday, March 9, 2009

Saved a child's life? Bad Catholic!

And Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho has also made it clear that he's not saying the little girl is excommunicated!
What kind of a monster do you take him for? Surely, in this case, God's law doesn't mean what God's law says!
It only means what it says when I say it does, dummy! I guess it's safe to assume that in Archbishop Sobrinho's
interpretation of Catholic doctrine, presuming to speak for God is somehow wholly unrelated to the sin of pride.

In case all that's not repugnant enough by itself, consider one more thing: Archbishop Sobrinho has apparently
made no mention of the girl's stepfather, who's confessed to raping her. People who helped save a little girl from
physical and emotional suffering, and possibly death? Bad Catholics! God disapproves! Child rapists, on the other hand?
Well, historically, those have been some of the most distinguished members of our organization.


Typical Catholics punishing the victim and those who help and letting the 'wicked' go free. Of course being excommunicated by the catholic church is about as important and enduring as a fart in a wind-storm ... who cares.

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