Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liar and Fool is:

Faux's Glenn Brick says Obama is building concentration camps for repugicans

Swiping material from the X-Files, Faux's Glenn Brick warns that Obama is setting up FEMA concentration camps to warehouse the nation's neocons, fundies, wingnuts, and dittoheads.

From Daily Kos:

In a recent spot on FOX and friends, Beck claimed that he had conducted "research on" the so-called concentration camps being built by the Obama White House as part of a conspiracy to establish totalitarian rule in America and the he could not "debunk them." According to Beck, "If you have any fear that we might be heading toward a totalitarian state, look out. There is something happening in our country and it ain't good."

You've got to be kidding! Want to talk about being delusional ... no such 'camps' are being planned much less built and those that were under construction under the benevolence of the aforesaid neocons, fundies, wingnuts, and dittoheads have been abandoned.

Not a bad idea though! Reopening them and putting those that built them there, not a bad idea at all.

Some people definitely need a life in the worst way!

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