Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Own an English village

Kind of like the idea ...

The village of Linkenholt, England goes on sale this week. It consists of 22 homes and cottages, two blacksmiths, and a cricket field. The asking price is 22-25 million pounds ($31-35 million dollars).

From Reuters:
The archetypal English village is nestled in rolling countryside and boasts a manor house, old rectory and clock tower and is part of a 2,000-acre estate...

Locals, who rent their properties, are expected to stay on after the sale, and most hope that a change in ownership does not mean a change in lifestyle.

"It would be nice if somebody bought the estate and lived here and was Lord of the Manor to be quite honest, that's the general consensus of everyone in the village," said Colin Boast, one of the village's two blacksmiths.

"It would just be nice if somebody looked at the village and said 'well, let's keep it as the village it is.' But you never know."

Now, just have to come up with the scratch.

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