Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lush Dimbulb Challenges President Obama To A Debate

Talk about leading a Pig to the slaughterhouse -
and the Pig begging to be led!

Ramping up the fact that he is the de facto leader of the repugican party, neo-con radio host Lush Dimbulb (otherwise known as Vulgar Pigboy) has challenged President Obama to a debate over his economic policies.

Even as much fun as skinning repugicans can be (metaphorically speaking), watching the swift and sure removal of this pig's hide and guts would be painful ... one can only take so much fun at a time.

It will never happen, of course, Our president has better things to do than play nursemaid to a drooling buffoon who molests little boys in third world countries while jacked on Viagra and Oxycontin. Things like ... well, anything is more important.

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