Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is too RICH!

On a website where they ask the question: "Who is the leader of the repugican party?"

The best example of repugican stupidity is this comment from "Koz" in Norristown, Pennsylvania who says:
"Republicans don't need leaders, they stand for individual liberty. They are also capable of gathering thoughts from a variety of sources."
Oh, my poor sides hurt from the laughter at that one!

Individual Liberty - only if by individual liberty you mean kowtowing and conforming to what your masters tell you individual liberty is, then OK, maybe.

Capable of gathering thoughts - now there's a laugh riot for you - repugicans are INCAPABLE of thought and have no means to gather any that many be around from any source outside what they are told are their thoughts by their masters.


And, if you want to know who was leading the poll as to who was the 'leader' of the repugican part ... it was Lush Dimbulb, by a huge margin.

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