Monday, May 4, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today are:

Arch-right reaches out to gun-toting hatemongers
So, what else is new?

Anti-gay hate groups: Because of gay marriage, "people will die"
Yep. all those haters having strokes will do more than a few in all right.

Screeds of radio hosts Beck, Savage, and Jones fuel gun-enthusiasts' anger
Gun-nuts is the proper term guys and everythings fuels their misplaced anger.

Washington Post's Broder wants absolute immunity for everyone involved in torture
In a pig's eye Broder, in a pig's eye.

Washington Post's Krauthammer endorses torture
OK I wasn't going to go there ... but with a name like Krauthammer - what else is a Nazi to do.

Washington Post's Krauthammer says Obama is pushing a "radical domestic agenda" to "establish a more social democratic America"
Wrong, but again what is the big deal ... we're supposed to be a federated republic based on democracy - guess what fellas ... that is a social democracy - so he is pushing America to be what it is supposed to be, well I'll be damned, imagine that.

RedState editor writes that Souter is a "goat f*cking child molester"
Speaking from the voice of experience I see.

Disney's Savage attacks Muslims in rant on swine flu and eating pork
Again proving he is a putz of the lowest order.

Disney's Savage suspects that "our dear friends in the Middle East cooked [swine flu] up " with "open border policies" in mind
Hold on the guys in the white coats are on their way.

Disney's Savage and blogger Malkin use swine flu crisis to peddle their xenophobia
Tell us something we didn't know.

MSNBC's Scarborough declares "if planes go into buildings ... blame Dana Priest" for exposing use of waterboarding
The air is thin in LALA Land isn't it?

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