Monday, May 4, 2009

Wing Nut Yammering and Flap Doodling

Wing nuts blathering ...

Foxx (r-not for long-North Carolina) says murder of gay icon Matthew Shepard was "a hoax"
Yep, just like today is Monday is a hoax.

McConnell (reptile-Kentucky) says Specter's party switch is a "threat to the country"
Nope, it assures the well being of the nation - especially when he loses to a true Democrat in 2010.

Former Secretary of State Rice channels Nixon: The President authorized torture, and that makes it legal
It didn't work at Nuremburg, either, Condi.

More Rice: Al Qaeda is a greater threat to America than Nazi Germany ever was
Her delusions are getting way out of hand.

Repugican chair Steele accuses Democrats of pushing "socialism"
Now, if he only knew what socialism was in the first place

Wing-nut activist wishes swine flu on President Obama
Well, in that case the wing-nut in question deserves a case of it that is severe.

Repugican National Committee posts, then pulls, video of mock-Obama criticizing troops, thanking Ayers
Stupidity still reigns supreme among the wing-nuts I see.

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