Monday, May 18, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: the Faux News edition

Faux's Brick suggests ACORN may kill him for his coverage of them
Nope. But it is a fleeting pleasant thought none the less.

Faux's Brick embraces "Patriot/militia" movement with call for "civilest war"
Anything to be able to play with boys is what Brick is all about - the foot tap under the bathroom stall was so last year ...

Faux's Brick, Cabutt-o promote militia-movement 'constitutionalist' theories on Faux
And they wonder why they are listed as the greatest threat to the nation? They are terrorists, pure and simple

Faux Nation asks: "Is Obama shredding the constitution?"
Actually he is taping it back together after the shrub and the cabal shredded it for the last eight years - remember, according to the shrub the Constitution of the United States is "just some goddamn piece of paper".

Faux News pushes repugicans' horror story of Obama setting Guantanamo terrorists loose in US
And this is news, how?

Faux's Wayne Simmons says the CIA will abandon their posts because of Pelosi and he calls her a 'pathological liar
And we are supposed to listen to a known Pathological Liar calling someone else a liar?

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