Monday, May 18, 2009

Wing Nut Yammering and Flap Doodle

Wing-nuts are always yammering and flap doodling ...

Gingrich (ret'd r-Georgia) accuses Obama administration of coddling terrorists
Only in his warped fantasy land, only in his warped fantasy land ... anyone named after a type of slithering slimy creature that hangs out under rocks has no room to speak on anything.

Inhofe (retard-Oklahoma) lies that Obama intends to let "hard-core terrorists" run "loose in the United States", and President has "completely devastated" the US military, because Obama "just doesn't believe that we need a military."
Damn, you can't write this stuff. Who knew repugicans were such comedians?

Sessions (reptile-Alabama) says Obama's plan is to "diminish employment and diminish stock prices." By doing so, Obama "intended to inflict damage and hardship on the free enterprise system, if not to kill it"
Someone should tell this buffoon that was the shrub's plan and it almost worked ... but we true Americans stopped him just before the total fruition of the plan and ousted him and his cabal and lackeys in the last election.

Steele: Dems want to take away our guns, move terrorists into our communities
Wrong - nothing more needs to be said.

Liz Cheney accuses Obama of siding "with the terrorists"
Wrong - if he did he would be siding with the shrub and the cabal (and that includes your daddy there sister)

Texas Governor Perry (repulsive) won't rule out secession
Let him secede, if he wants too. The state of Texas would be better off with out him. So, will the United States.

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