Monday, June 29, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day are:

Neugebauer (retard-Texas): 'I don't know' if Obama is a citizen
Damn, this 'johnny one-note' song is getting overly tiresome. Obama is a citizen of the United States. However those who are still questioning reality might not be either by non-citizenship from birth or forfeiture of citizenship for treason.

Joe the Plumber (who's not a plumber) wonders why Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) hasn't been lynched
Well, for one thing he is not a repugican. On top of that he hasn't done anything 'worthy of a lynching'.

National Review's McCarthy: "in principle Obama is fine with dictatorship"
Wrong, but that won't stop those that love a dictatorship from accusing a Democratically elected official of being a 'dictator'.

Disney's Savage says he'll publish "full pictures and other pertinent information about" the "Stalinists" at Media Matters
Oh, oh, he dosen't like being outed for what he is - a hate-filled psychotic sociopath - so he is lashing out at those who keep exposing him. Tough nuggets there 'savage'.

Internet hatemonger Turner is arrested again (second time in a month), this time for death threats against judges
Keep the insane maniac behind bars this time, folks - he is a danger to society.

WorldNetDaily's Farah launches crusade to find those who witnessed Obama's birth
Give me a break. Obama is a citizen and he is president of the United States. Deal with it.

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