Monday, June 29, 2009

Wing Nut Yammering and Flap Doodle

Wing Nuts today include:

Dimbulb blames Obama for Sanford's affair
We have posted a complete story on this lunacy earlier, but include it in this listing as well.

CNBC's Cramer: "We got a little too much democracy in this country"
Ah! The truth has begun seeping through the loose seams. A Nazi reveals itself.

Disney's Savage says Obama orchestrated Ensign and Sanford's extramarital affairs
It is amazing how these clowns parrot themselves! And, are completely wrong while doing so. Just amazing.

Bachmann (reject-Minnesota) raises the issue of 'mental stability'
Oh, now this is rich, how someone who is demonstrably (irrefutably, I might add) mentally unstable should raise the 'mental stability' issue.

Gingrich (reptile-Georgia) compares Democratic leadership to the 'forces of darkness' in Iran and North Korea
Projecting again, I see. When it is the repugicans who are akin to the governments of Iran and North Korea in political philosophy and the way they conduct themselves.

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