Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tom Coburn using secret hold to block bill on veterans benefits

We always knew "support the troops" didn't really mean anything to repugicans. It was a slogan, nothing more. And, that's being confirmed by Tom Coburn (reptile-OK) who is using the anonymous "hold" procedure in the Senate to prevent action on a bill designed to support veterans.
Usually, these "holds" are secret, but the veterans have outed Coburn:
Thirteen major military and veterans groups have joined forces to try to force one senator — repugican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — to release a hold that he has placed on a major veterans benefits bill.

Coburn has been identified by Senate aides as the lawmaker preventing consideration of S 1963, the Veterans’ Caregiver and Omnibus Health Benefits Act of 2009, by using an informal but legal practice of putting a hold on a bill.
Maybe the Democrats should file a cloture motion on S. 1963 to force the repugican caucus to choose between Coburn and the vets.

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