Friday, January 23, 2009

And I Quote

I am not perfect, but I got the walking on frozen water down pretty well.

~ Unknown

Tree Deaths Double Across Western US

“The majestic old trees of the western US are disappearing twice as fast as they were three decades ago, and climate change is most likely to blame, say scientists. Philip van Mantgem of the US Geological Survey and colleagues collected data from 76 plots on the west coast – from California up to British Columbia, Canada – and in Idaho, Arizona and Colorado. These are plots without any direct human management, so any tree loss is not due to logging.

The team focused on old forests, where many of the trees were at least 200 years old, and sometimes as much as 1000 years old. In 87% of the plots, trees are disappearing faster than new trees are springing up. Death rates varied, but the trend held whether the trees were old or relatively young, big or small, high up in the mountains or down in valleys.

The Pacific Northwest, including the pine trees of British Columbia, were the worst affected – death rates there are doubling every 17 years.”

Read more in the New Scientist.

Senator's bill to ban profanity

South Carolina Senator Robert Ford is attempting to outlaw profanity. Under his bill, the penalty for lewd language would be up to 5 years in prison and/or $5000 in fines.

From WCBD:
Which words are exactly considered profane is still unclear, but the bill does have a list of qualifications for profanity including words or actions that are lewd, vulgar or indecent in nature.

Well, Robert you can go Fornicate yourself.

If I or anyone else choose to use the orignial form of our language (and 95 percent of the "lewd, vulgar, indecent in nature words and actions" are in reality the old Angle-Saxon and Celtic words and actions that were spoken and used by 'English' speakers of high and low birth in 1066 when William the Bastard defeated Harold of England and thus became known to modern history as William the Conqueror and imposed his duchy's - that being Normandy - bastardized French ... William was a Norman, i.e., a Norseman, aka Viking and his original language was Norse which is to say akin to Angle-Saxon but they had lived in France for a couple of generations and adopted quite a bit of the french language into their dialect. N'est pas!?), we will without your permission nor your 'outlawing" it.

Ring of Fire

Johnny and Willie

It don't get no better than this!

Weird rumble in Oklahoma

Folks in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma are disturbed by an intense blasting sound and window-shaking tremors that apparently have been occurring at noon every day this week. Hundreds of people have called the sheriff's office to complain. The source of the rumble remains a mystery.

From KHBS:
Ron Lockhart, the Sequoyah County Sheriff, said the department has checked with every mining company in the county but none have reported any blasting....

The U.S. Geological Survey has reported activity in Sequoyah County but does not believe it to be seismic.

It could just be that reality is coming to Oklahoma and the fact that Obama IS president is starting to sink in the thick skulls there (Oklahoma is the ONLY place in America that Obama did not carry the majority of the vote in any county).

Obama reverses abortion-funding policy

President Obama struck down a rule Friday that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services.

Obama said in a statement that family planning aid has been used as a "political wedge issue," adding that he had "no desire to continue this stale and fruitless debate."

The policy says any organization receiving U.S. family-planning funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development cannot offer abortions or abortion counseling.

"It is time we end the politicization of this issue," Obama said. "In the coming weeks, my administration will initiate a fresh conversation on family planning, working to find areas of common ground to best meet the needs of women and families at home and around the world."

The memorandum reverses the so called "Mexico City policy."

Coleman denied request for Minnesota ballot inspection

A three-judge panel on Friday rejected Republican Norm Coleman's request to investigate alleged vote-counting irregularities that may have contributed to his opponent's lead in Minnesota's Senate race after a recount.

"The court is not convinced that another inspection of the ballots is efficient or needed to prepare for trial," the judges wrote.

The recount trial starts Monday and is expected to last weeks.

Coleman's lawyers had identified 86 precincts where they said problems may have contributed to Democrat Al Franken's 225-vote lead.

Coleman is suing to overturn the result.

Franken's attorneys had said Coleman's request was a fishing expedition for votes.


Coleman just needs to get over it - he lost!

As of this moment ...

4230 Brave men and women will not be returning from Iraq

Liars and Fools

In today's look and the Liars and Fools we find ...

Dimbulb claims he's being told 'to bend over, grab the ankles' because Obama's 'father was black'
Please NO! The visual - my mind is scarred forever!

John Boehner (r-Ohio) says Gitmo prisoners get 'more comforts than a lot of Americans get'
This could be true in one respect - at least in Gitmo they have a room indoors ... a lot of Americans don't have that!

Dobbs, Bozell, join the wing-nuts in lying about inauguration costs
Fuzzy math and numbers out their arses and all!

Dimblub offers the opposite of patriotism
It's called treason!

Wing-Nut Yammering and Flap-Doodle

My the wing-nuts are up early today ...

AT 5:31AM 'Ted' left this comment about the latest installment of "Chatter":
Ted said...

Take the test.

FIRST QUESTION: Who IS the actual and lawful 44th President of the USA?

ANSWER: Joe Biden

Biden was initially the Acting President for at least 5 minutes under either the Constitution’s Article 2 or the Constitution’s 20th Amendment, from 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, having already taken his Oath of Office and before Obama completed his ‘oath’ at approximately 12:05 PM, 1/20/09. Under the 20th Amendment if the President-elect shall have failed to qualify, or alternatively under Article 2 if the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term, being 12:00 Noon 1/20/09, which ability and/or qualification includes that he take the Article 2 oath “before he enter on the execution of his office,” then either the Presidency shall devolve on the Vice President under Article 2 or the Vice President shall act as President under the 20th Amendment. (The importance of the oath in ‘commencing’ an ‘Obama Presidency’ — rather than merely the 1/20/09 Noon time — is confirmed by the re-take of the ‘oath’ by Obama at the White House on 1/21/09 after the first ‘oath’ was NOT administered by Justice Roberts NOR recited by Obama in the words as required under Article 2.)

This is significant because at such time that the Supreme Court finally rules on the merits on Obama’s disqualification as not being an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (clearly he is NOT), Biden’s automatic status (without needing to take a separate Presidential Oath) of being President would be predicated upon four different bases: First, having been Vice President under Article 2; second, having been Vice President-elect under the 20th Amendment; third, having been actual President in the hiatus before Obama took the ‘oath(s)’; and fourth, retroactively deemed President during the full period of the Obama usurpation so that the acts of the Federal Government under the usurpation can be deemed authorized and/or ratified by Biden’s legitimacy.

SECOND QUESTION: Who will be the 45th President?

ANSWER: Hillary Clinton

One must assume that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been aware of all of the above. Biden’s wife recently “let the cat out of the bag” on the Oprah Show that both Biden and Hillary had considered alternatively Veep or Secretary of State, in either case, setting up Hillary to be President on a vote of the Democratic Congress if need be.

THIRD QUESTION: Is Obama an unwitting victim of this troika or a knowing participant?

ANSWER: Yet undetermined.

Still not dealing well with reality is he?!

The Usurper is gone we booted him and the rest of the cabal out last November when we served notice of their eviction to occur on January 20, 2009 at noon.

Also, if one wants to be technical about it, Obama is only the 41st elected president this country has had - three were not elected ... Hayes, Ford and the shrub (funny side note here - all non-elected presidents were repugicans). Ford was appointed by Nixon and approved by Congress as VP and when Nixon resigned he became president. Hayes and the shrub were anointed by partisan courts after rigging the voting and counting in several areas.

Oh, and that citizenship thing ... his mother was a citizen therefore he is a citizen - get over it.

Our Readers

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Johor Baharu, Johor, Malaysia
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Snohomish, Washington, United States of America
Wasilla, Alaska, United States of America
Tornio, Lapland, Finland

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

It's been difficult to express your opinions in words lately. Meetings should go well today.

Ok, if you say so and I hope so.