Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Science News

Science news:

Black Hole in the Milky Way

Matter and energy are vanishing without trace at the center of the galaxy – the best evidence yet that a black hole is lurking there.

Vanishing matter points to black hole in Milky Way

Lip Reading Computers

A system that can tell what language someone is speaking from the shapes and movements of their mouth could lead to lip-reading computers for deaf people.


Does antimatter fall up?

Gravity works the same way on all matter – but what about antimatter?
If it behaves differently, it could overturn our understanding of physics.

Antimatter mysteries 3: Does antimatter fall up?

The Mother of all Pandemics

From BBC-Science:
USA Flu ward in 1918
1918 was the 'mother of all pandemics'

No to coal

From BBC-Science:
Keeping global temperatures within "safe" limits means leaving most of the world's fossil fuel reserves unburned, scientists conclude.

Woman threatens to shoot neighbor over walnuts

A Georgia woman threatened to shoot her neighbor in the kneecaps because she thought he was leaving walnuts in her yard.

Full Story

Pandemic alert for swine flu raised to phase 5

Pandemic alert for swine flu raised to phase 5The World Health Organization raises its pandemic alert to the second highest level after reviewing the latest scientific data on the swine flu outbreak.

Phase 5


Obama reflects on first 100 days

Obama reflects on first 100 daysPresident Obama takes questions about the economy, swine flu, and waterboarding at a prime-time news conference that caps his 100th day in office.

First 100 days


Men try to steal pickup truck that doesn't run

From the "You know this was in Arkansas" Department:

Even though the truck wouldn't run, it was still a crime to try to steal it. A Jefferson County sheriff's deputy thought it looked a little odd when three men were pushing a pickup truck near the county jail on Sunday, with a fourth man in the cab to steer.

Full Story

Driver followed music to stolen truck

A Virginia man walked toward the distinctive music emanating from his stolen ice cream van and found it a few blocks from where it was taken, police said.

Full Story

Tennessee Tuxedo

Tennessee and Chumley in two of their 'adventures'.

Boy clung to mom's body to survive boat capsize

Six members of a family holidaying in Malaysia drowned when their small boat capsized in rough seas, leaving a lone survivor who clung to his mother's dead body to stay afloat.

Full Story

Postman bitten by snake

A British letter carrier got an unpleasant surprise when a venomous snake lurking in a post box bit him on the hand.

Full Story

Radio Shack Employee Arrested for Punching Customer

A worker at Radio Shack was arrested for punching a customer.

Officers arrested 52-year-old James Knol of Eau Claire on Sunday night for disorderly conduct and battery.

Entry-level jobs that pay $50K

Entry-level jobs that pay $50KThese seven lucrative jobs don't require advanced degrees to command a sizable salary on day one.

Jobs that pay $50K


Car thieves beware ...

... there's a Leopard in trunk!

A Russian man whose car was stolen on Tuesday in Saint Petersburg said the thieves were in for a surprise.

Full Story

Dimbulb Spews

Talk about Liars ...

Dimbulb claims "Anti-Americanism is now policy" at the White House
No, that was the past eight years, you idiot.

For Earth Day, Dimbulb plans to "personally" oversee destruction of two acres of rainforest
With his fat ass blocking the sun we'll be lucky if it's only two acres.

Dimbulb repeats long-debunked lie that Obama "supports infanticide"
He keeps lying and lying and lying and lying and ...

Dimbulb lies that the left wants "mass euthanasia"
Only if he and his fellow sewers are among the first to go.

Dimbulb: Obama "has just as much disregard for the men and women of the United States military as every other liberal"
Considering the military itself is overwhelmingly 'Liberal' I guess we have(had) much disregard for ourselves - not in any lifetime - Lush ... you however ...

Dimbulb sub on SCOTUS cameras: People could see when "Kennedy goes wacky or Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you know, invokes foreign law or they start making up stuff"
Anyone else able to understand Vally-girl speak? If so please translate this into a coherent human language for the rest of us.

Dimbulb sub calls Energy Secretary's climate change remarks "shameful" and "science fiction"
This from one of the most shameful wastes of carbon there has ever been is too much. He is just pure fiction - no science anywhere near him.

Dimbulb sub: White House is "socialist-leaning," "Marxist-resembling"
Lessons in the meaning of words and of what exactly is Socialism and Marxism (which are not the same BTW) will be given this Saturday @ 5am sharp! Do not be late!

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News Edition

Faux's O'Really claims ACLU, MoveOn, New York Times "couldn't care less about America"
Maybe the Times, but MoveOn and the ALCU are two of the MOST caring about America organizations there are.

Faux's O'Really describes waterboarding as 'Torture, my ass'
Naw, we'll pass you'd enjoy it too much - torturing your ass that is.

Faux's O'Really claims Nixon never met with Mao
Even the other wing-nuts are puzzled by this absurdity.

Faux's Brick implores people to "stop with the lies" that carbon dioxide is a "poison"
Well, it isn't a "poison" if you aren't a Carbon-Based Lifeform - has he let the cat out of the bag?

Faux's Brick "wants to hear from" people who cut down trees to celebrate Earth Day
So do we - then we will know who to have do handstands in pig shit. Oh, wait that won't work they already have pig shit for brains.

Faux's Brick compares Gore's global warming "lies" to "Goebbels or Hitler"
A Nazi 'playing the Nazi card' how original and just as wrong as he has always been

Faux financial columnist claims "Chavez Handshake May Cost US Billions"
Yeah, like we are going to listen to what any Faux 'financial' columnist has to say about anything in the first place.

Faux Nation joins Handjob, Dimbulb, and Geist in claiming Obama "pals around with Chavez"
Hey, I pal around with a guy named Jesus, so what - he cleans the pool.

Faux's Goler reverses meaning of Obama quote to boldface lie that he supports European-style health care
And what if he did? They have better health care than we do.

Faux's Scarborough claims "history will show" that Obama has "made us less safe as a country, especially people who live in Manhattan and Washington, DC"
Inncorrect. We are safer now than we have been in the past eight years and it is simply because Obama is a man - not a tottering, drooling idiot - and a man who can use his brain and meet and learn from others.

First U.S. swine flu death reported

First U.S. swine flu death reportedThe director of the CDC confirms a child in Texas has died from the new H1N1 swine flu.

First U.S. swine flu death


Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Lyngby, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain
Stade, Niedersachen, Germany
Strasbourg, Alsace, france
Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Cananrias, Spain
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Exeter, England, United Kingdom
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Madras, Tamil Nadu, India

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

One minute you will feel like a wild horse straining to break loose, and the next moment you might feel like all you want to do is lie down and take a nap.
Your extremes in energy might give anyone who's trying to follow you a serious case of whiplash, but you'll be able to handle this roller coaster ride just fine!
Your life is yours to lead as you see fit, so don't pay any attention to people who are trying to tell you to slow down -- or speed up.
They mean well, but these advice-givers are butting in.

Pay no attention to the Buttinskies, got it.