Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And I Quote

Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully.
What kind of politician attacks an ordinary American on the Fourth of July
for speaking her mind?
What’s wrong with her?
The First Amendment was designed to protect people like me from the likes of people like her.
Our American Revolution got rid of kings.
And queens, too.
Am I jacked-up?
You betcha.
Sarah Palin, if you have a problem with me, then sue me.
I will not be muzzled!

~Shannyn Moore, responding to threats from the loon.

Cholesterol Regulating Genes Identified

Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the University of Heidelberg, Germany, have come a step closer to understanding how cholesterol levels are regulated.

Cholesterol Regulating Genes Identified

More than 500 Uighurs killed in China

Hundreds of demonstrators have returned to the streets of Urumqi, the administrative center of China’s Xinjiang province demanding in front of foreign journalists to release their relatives detained during the unrest.

The Uighurs Turks struggled for independence from China throughout the centuries. Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Province in China was established in 1950s. The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, which is struggling for establishing of independent Uighur state, was declared a terrorist organization in China.

Full Story

More kids may have been zapped

More than 40 children shocked with stun guns while visiting prisons in April may not have been the first ones zapped, according to a report released Tuesday.

More kids may have been zapped

Mystery remains in McNair murder

Mystery remains in McNair murder

A key piece of evidence is lacking in any case against the quarterback's girlfriend.

Mystery remains

And I Quote

Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.

~ Fulton J. Sheen

(And, don't I know it.)

Alleged Killer, Lady Cop Stephanie Lazarus, Pleads Not Guilty

Alleged cop killer Stephanie Lazarus less than an hour ago entered a plea of not guilty in the fatal attack on her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, in a bizarre twist in which the longtime detective was on the wrong side of the fence, sitting quietly in the fortified holding cell on the fifth floor of Los Angeles Superior Court.

Full Story

Woman marries her dog

An African woman has married her dog because she said he has the same qualities as her late father.

Full Story

Doctors Try to Crack Mystery of Woman's 200-Pound Legs

How does one exactly weigh a leg?

Mandy Sellars is your typical, single 34-year-old woman. She loves to go the movies, hang out with her friends, go out for lunch and have a good chat. But there is just one thing that sets Sellars apart: She suffers from a rare condition that has caused her legs to grow at an alarming rate.

“When I was born, they knew straight away that there was something completely different about me,” Sellars, who lives outside of Manchester, England.

“They actually didn’t let my parents see me. They took me away from my mom and I think they kept me away from my parents, particularly my mom, for about 10 days or 14 days.”

Doctors were concerned because Sellars was born with abnormally large legs and feet. At the time, they didn’t have a diagnosis, and it wasn’t until she was about 2 years old that her parents were told she had lymphedema, which causes extreme swelling in your arms and legs. The problem was – it was the wrong diagnosis.

“Well, I’ve never had lymphedema – it isn’t that condition at all,” Sellars said.

Still, more than 30 years later, doctors have still not officially diagnosed Sellars with a specific condition, although some believe she has a rare disorder called Proteus Syndrome – a condition also thought to have affected Joseph Merrick, the “Elephant Man.”

Proteus Syndrome is “characterized by the progressive abnormal growth of body tissues,” the National Institutes of Health says on its Web site. Its cause of is unknown.

“So at the moment it’s still really a guessing game as to exactly what this is – but Proteus Syndrome is a label I can put on it,” she said.

Although Sellars faced great challenges as a child, she didn't let her disorder slow her down.

“I wasn’t really held back in anything,” she said. “I could run around and play soccer and play outside with my friends at home – even climb trees and things like that. So to me, it was just like an average childhood, really.”

Sellars excelled in school and went to college to study graphic design – eventually taking courses in sociology, psychology and criminology. Her dream job is to become a forensic scientist, but so far her condition has prevented her from fulfilling that dream. Over the years, the disorder has resulted in her legs consistently growing larger and larger, which has greatly affected her mobility. When Sellars was in her late 20s, she suffered a major setback and wound up in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down for about 10 weeks.

“It could’ve been DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), or it could’ve been some virus that caused this,” she said. “That was the first time that anything particularly major had happened to my health. I haven’t been 100 percent since then.”

As a result, she now uses crutches to walk around.

“Luckily I have very strong muscles, which help me walk around and get dressed and do the daily things that need to be done,” Sellars said. “But I mean, just walking is exercise for me… you know, because I’m getting a workout just doing that.”

Sellars weighs 280 pounds, and she says her legs tip the scales at more than 100 pounds each. Still, She drives a specially equipped car and lives on her own.

As for the future – Sellars faces some tough decisions. Because her legs continue to grow ever larger, the only option she has been offered is amputation.

“I have been to see a doctor in London about the amputation, but it’s still up in the air at the moment as to what exactly would happen,” she said. “The doctors suggested a hip disarticulation, where they cut your leg off at the hip joint, but to me that’s just unreasonable.”

Sellars said she is waiting to see a doctor in Liverpool to look at some other options. But in the meantime, she’s focused on just one simple mission.

“My goal is to keep on walking as long as I can,” she said. “That’s the goal from today, tomorrow, the next day, next week and next month. Obviously, having my legs amputated is quite scary... but I look at it in a way that once I have my legs amputated, it will be a new kind if life – it won’t be any better or any worse from the life I have now – it will just be a different life and a start of a new chapter.”

Ethnic riots spread in China

Ethnic riots spread in China

The ethnic violence, with mobs brandishing meat cleavers and clubs, is a further embarrassment for Chinese leadership.

Ethnic riots spread in China


Unusual Celebrations and Holidays

Today happens to be the day women fantasize about - Chocolate Day!

It also happens to be the day we here at Carolina Naturally hold dear and repugicans loathe - Tell The Truth Day!

Science News

From BBC-Science:
A mountain mouse-deer (Moschiola spp) swims underwater in Sri Lanka
Two mouse-deer species in Asia have been discovered swimming underwater, providing further clues to the origin of whales.

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Faux Nation: Obama's census castrates Caucasians
Funny, I am not castrated.

Faux Nation calls new climate bill "treason"
This from that pack of traitors - my sides hurt from the laughter!

Faux Nation highlights op-ed claiming "Obama's census castrates caucasians"
Still not castrated ... what bunch of morons.

Ex-CIA spy Michael Scheuer tells Faux's Brick that America's only hope is for Osama bin Laden to "deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States"
Why this traitor isn't behind bars yet, is a puzzle

Faux's Morris warns that the "Declaration of Independence has been repealed"
It was - for the last eight years - but it has been restored.

Faux's Brick: What this country needs is a good terrorist attack!
Again, why is this traitor not behind bars?

Faux's Brick asks, "Why did we buy Alaska in the 1950s?"
What an idiot! Not only gets the wrong decade but the wrong century.

Glass stuck in man's chin for 30 years

Shocked Thomas Entwistle had always thought the small lump on his chin was a harmless cyst but was amazed when a shard of glass popped out when he cut himself shaving.

Full Story

Rare time/date alignment could mean opportunities

In a rare alignment shortly before dawn Wednesday, the time and date will be 04:05 and 6 seconds on 07/08/09.

About an hour and 45 minutes before sunrise, the time and date will be 4 a.m. and 5 minutes and 6 seconds on July 8, 2009.

In other words, or numbers, it will be 04:05:06 07/08/09.

Daily Almanac

Today is Tuesday, July 7, the 188th day of 2009.

The moon is full.

Beatles drummer Ringo Starr is 69

Death by String ... Bikini that is, well sort of

Police in western Sweden said a teenager allegedly tried to strangle her cousin with a bikini top during a fight.

Girl Tried To Strangle Cousin With Bikini

Dimbulb Spews

Dimbulb Spews:

Is Lush Dimbulb trying to encourage a military coup against Obama?

Dimbulb on hate crimes bill: Everybody but "blacks and homosexuals" "can get to the back of the bus"
Don't you just love it when Haters speak on 'hate'!

Dimbulb: Gambian president who claims to have AIDS cure "sounds just like Obama"
This pervert is an idiot ... it is yet to be seen if the Gambian president's claims are in fact reality or just wishful thinking, but Lush will always be an idiot.

Dimbulb: Obama administration creating chaos so people "will sign up for your agenda"
Spreading chaos was the cabal's shtick and you keep trying to keep it up.

Dimbulb: Obama led Dems "into doing everything he could to ensure the defeat of the US military"
Nope, you Dope

Dimbulb: "You can legalize rape and call it the Civil Rights Act of 2009, it would probably pass"
Got a young boy in mind, there Lush?

After airing clip of Obama praising US troops in Iraq, Dimbulb says: "This is a guy who sought their defeat"
Lies and Treason are all the idiot spews ... when is his prison term for treason going to commence?!

Dimbulb: "I don't know" where Obama was born, "supposedly Hawaii"
Since you don't know where your own ass is - this surprises no one.

Dimbulb is way ahead of us, already complaining about Obama's third term
Wouldn't be a bad thing - but thanks to the repugicans during McCarthy's regin of terror a third term will never be ... which was a good thing where the world is concerned when the repugicans stole the office for the past eight years.

Fraud on TV

A Tampa TV station that bills itself as "News Channel 8" has aired a one-hour program explaining how radical homosexuals are trying to silence and persecute Christians.

Full Story

Wing Nuttery

Wing Nuts keep on yammering

Old fossil "disproves" Darwin!
Not by a long shot, buster.

Joe the Plumber (who's not a plumber) says "talked to God about" running for Congress "and he was like, 'No'"
Maybe there is a god then!?

Rove: Obama 'has carried pre-packaged, organized, controlled, scripted events to a new height'
This from the perverted king of pre-packaged, organized, controlled, scripted events who took them to epic depths - hilarious!

Those pesky homosexuals caused this recession, says noted beanball and Oklahoma state legislator Sally Kern
Okay, so she is as bat-shit crazy as she looks and this is just further proof ...

Thay don't dare ...

From Talking Points Memo:
You hear leading repugicans say that the US has the best health care system in the world. They say that at press conferences. They say that during interviews on cable news networks. They say that to the Washington Press Corps. But will a repugican dare say that in front of their own constituents at a live town hall?

Unexpected bank fees to watch out for

Unexpected bank fees to watch out for

Financial institutions are increasingly imposing new charges for things like using a teller or closing an account.

Unexpected bank fees to watch out for


Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Verona, Veneto, Italy
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Villingen-Schwenningen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Athens, Atttiki, Greece
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
London, England, United Kingdom
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Croydon, England, United Kingdom
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden

as well as Singapore, Ireland, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Fasten your seatbelt and put your tray table in its upright position.
You're about to take flight -- and that applies to every possible corner of your life, but most especially to affairs of the heart.
So if you've been seeing someone casually, that won't be the case any longer.
One or both of you will either want to make a commitment or say your goodbyes.
But don't worry; the heavens are chock full of romance, and betting on anything other than commitment just wouldn't be prudent.

And away we go ...