Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Extinct animal cloned, resurrected

THE Pyrenean ibex, a form of wild mountain goat, was officially declared extinct in 2000 when the last known animal of its kind was found dead in northern Spain.

Shortly before its death, scientists preserved skin samples of the goat — a subspecies of the Spanish ibex that live in mountain ranges across the country — in liquid nitrogen.

Using DNA taken from these skin samples, the scientists were able to replace the genetic material in eggs from domestic goats, to clone a female Pyrenean ibex, or bucardo as they are known. It is the first time an extinct animal has been cloned.

Extinct animal cloned, resurrected

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

One Detroit brand dominates the top 10 list of cars destroyed under "cash for clunkers."

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

They're not known as "found on road dead" or "fix or repair daily" or "fucked over rebuilt Dodge" for nothing you know ...

The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers Trade-Ins:

1. 1998 Ford Explorer

2. 1997 Ford Explorer

3. 1996 Ford Explorer

4. 1999 Ford Explorer

5. Jeep Grand Cherokee

6. Jeep Cherokee

7. 1995 Ford Explorer

8. 1994 Ford Explorer

9. 1997 Ford Windstar

10. 1999 Dodge Caravan


Question and Answer

Question: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: How much money have you got?

Jailed journalists pardoned by North Korea

Jailed journalists pardoned by N. Korea

The two Americans were accused in March of sneaking into the country to engage in "hostile acts."

North Korean media say leader Kim Jong Il has pardoned two American journalists and ordered their release during the visit of former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

2 U.S. journalists pardoned

Bridezilla sent to prison for outbursts

"Bridezilla" star Karee Gibson Hart, 21, was arrested Monday for violating her probation in connection with appearing on the show and now sits in a Wisconsin jail.

Bridezilla sent to prison

Man sets himself on fire with flaming drink

A Slovene tourist ended up in a Croatian hospital after attempting to drink a flaming cocktail that set him on fire.

Full story

A new strain of HIV - what it means to you

The announcement that a new HIV virus has been discovered alarmed many relatively-unflappable people.

A new strain of HIV

Dinosaur creationist theme park seized by government

Dinosaur Adventure Land, the creationist theme park in Pensacola, Florida.

Now, it looks like the government may be seizing the properties in lieu of nearly half a million dollars owed to the IRS by the theme park's founder/minister Kent Hovind. He's in jail for tax fraud.

From the Pensacola News Journal:
Dinsoauradvenenen(Hovind) was found guilty in November 2006 on 58 counts, including failure to pay employee taxes and making threats against investigators.

The conviction culminated 17 years of Hovind sparring with the IRS. Saying he was employed by God and his ministers were not subject to payroll taxes, he claimed no income or property.

Five snacks that are shaped like the universe

Is the universe shaped like a peanut or a Pringle?

Chew over the snack foods that different theories suggest resemble our cosmos

Five snacks that are shaped like the universe

Science News

From BBC-Science:

European bison (Bison bonasus)
Europe's largest mammal remains extremely vulnerable to extinction, despite long-standing efforts to save the species.

Keith Olbermann On Health Care Reform

From the 8/3/09 edition of Countdown, Keith Olbermann's trademark "Special Comment" calls out both Republicans and Democrats for their unwillingness to back health care reform... and reveals the reasons why.

Huge plastic 'Garbage Patch' swirling in Pacific

Huge plastic 'Garbage Patch' swirling in Pacific

Scientists embark to see how much debris and plastic fragments have accumulated in an expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

'Garbage Patch'


Hundreds of post offices may close

Hundreds of post offices may close

Faced with a $7 billion loss, the U.S. Postal Service considers shuttering hundreds of locations.

Post offices may close


Cops Bust Church of Love and Music

"Woodstock on Steroids"

A Fayette County church is in trouble for allegedly combining faith and music with massive amounts of drugs.

Full Story

Media Matters' "Lou Dobbs Problem" Ad to Air on CNN, During His Show

In a very telling 'coincidence' ...

Media Matters, which has created an ad criticizing CNN over their "Lou Dobbs" problem, announced today the start of the ad campaign.

Full Story

Liars and Fools: The Lou Dobbs edition

Liars and Fools: The Lou Dobbs edition

CNN's Dobbs chastises "pitiful" press corps for framing birther question "as though this is some sort of egregiously bizarre and totally unfounded inquiry"
Well, it is an 'egregiously bizarre and totally unfounded inquiry', so who is the 'pitiful' one in this picture?

CNN's Dobbs says "birthers" are "regular Americans who don't have any representation"
First of all they are not 'regular Americans' - they are lunatics. Second, lunatics are not 'represented' in any government anywhere in the world. Last, your medication is ready.

Lou Dobbs home to "birthers" and white supremacists

After years of ducking complaints about his offensive coverage, Lou Dobbs, host of CNN's Lou Dobbs show, may finally see either the end of his days of pretty much getting away with whatever "fact" he puts out, or the end of his show altogether.

Full Story

Today is President Obama's Birthday

It's the 48th birthday of the 44th President of the United States.

Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961 (despite what birthers desperately want to believe) at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Full Story

Scream of Southern Azerbaijan

Southern Azerbaijani university students in Iran published a statement for the recognition of cultural rights and to put and end to the pressures that are implemented upon them.

Ethnic Azerbaijanis make up for about 30 million of Iran's 70 million population and like all other minorities they live in misfortune. For example there is a restriction on Turkish language in the universities in eastern Iran and these classes are completely removed in some universities. In southern Azerbaijan, names of some Turkish cities are replaced with Kurdish names to make them forget that they are Turkish and families of Kurdish origin are settled to these cities.

Full Story

Phone lost at sea found

A man's missing cell phone washed up on shore in Taiwan and still worked perfectly.

Phone lost at sea found

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Multimillionaire Brick upset about minimum wage hike
Cry me a river.

Faux's Brick says "Cash for Clunkers" program allows government to takeover your computer
Hello, where have you been? They've been doing that for years already (especially the last eight of them).

Faux's Brick caps off week of race-baiting by calling Obama a "racist"
Projecting your self image again Glenn ol'boy?

Faux's Brick: Obama has "exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
Again with the mirror projection.

Faux's Brick: Obama supports "racist policy" of Affirmative Action
While I believe everyone should 'make it' own their own merits - Affirmation Action isn't a "racist policy" in and of itself, the initial concept was to 'level the field' so ALL could make it or break it own their own with the same opportunities to do so, however like most things humans are involved in it has not lived up to it's mandate in a true leveling of the field kind of way ... it has overstepped and provided those not capable of 'making it' on their own merits with more opportunities and pushed those not able to do it on their own ahead of those that could simply due to skin color (there is only one 'race' - the Human Race), sex, etc.
No one should be advanced simply because of their skin color, gender, or any other 'classification'.
Supporting Affirmative Action as it was meant to be was a good thing.

Faux's Brick: Obama has "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture"
More projecting, Glenn?

After claiming "a lot of rumors" are "going out there" about Obama administration's secret plan to deny health treatment to elderly, Faux & Friends advances those false rumors
Speaking with forked tongues again are we?

Fuzzy math: O'Really says higher Canadian life expectancy is "to be expected" because "we have 10 times as many people"
OK, Swill let's start slow 1 plus 1 equals 2 ...

Ohio family visits 52 zoos in 52 weeks


It's been a wild year for members of an Ohio family, who say they've accomplished a goal of visiting 52 zoos in 52 weeks.

Full Story

Kidnapped boys 'brainwashed' to die as suicide bombers

The boys shuffle into the room in a remote army base high in the mountains of Pakistan's Swat Valley ...

Full Story

Man Mistakenly Pronounced Dead In Baltimore


A burglary suspect who medics pronounced dead of a gunshot wound laid on a convenience store floor for about half an hour before officers noticed he was still alive, Baltimore police said Monday.

Full Story

Of course, you realize, the lawsuits are already in the pipeline on this one ... the thief will get 'rich' off his crime in the end, anyway.

Typo Turns Woman's Life Upside Down

A woman is trying to get her life back on track after a simple typo turned everything upside down.

Full Story

'KFC left girl brain damaged'

A girl who claims to have been brain damaged by contaminated food at KFC is suing the company for $5-million.

Full Story

Dimbulb Spews

Rush Limbaugh's risky diet?
Dimbulb: Obama health care plan "is the end of the United States as we know it"
Nope, we are in a rebirth of America after eight years of raping of America.

Dimbulb suggests Obama, Chinese are "brothers" in communism
Again, this idiot does not know the meaning of communism (neither do the Chinese).

Dimbulb: Food safety advocates "going to go after Oreos" but might have to wait until Obama leaves office
Racial stereotyping and bad 'jokes' don't make it, Lush.

Dimbulb: Obama's comments on health care show that "he doesn't like this country"
He likes America you idiot. No one likes Amerikkka except the wing-nuts like you.

Dimbulb fearmongers about health care with lies about euthanasia
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie ... it doesn't matter how many times you say it it is still a lie.

Dimbulb: Obama health care plan "is the end of the United States as we know it"
Not the America I know and fought for, just the Amerikkka the wing-nuts hold dear in their deluded dreams.

Feds name eighth NC terror suspect

Federal prosecutors are naming an eighth suspect they say is tied to a ring of would-be terrorists in North Carolina.An unsealed copy of an indictment released Monday names the suspect as Jude Kenan Mohammad.

Eighth NC terror suspect

It is a sad thing that there are such perverts in the world much less here in North Carolina. Thankfully most of us have a mind that is functional - it is one of the reasons we have a President now instead of a shrub clone.

Tavern owner killed for trying to stop customers from smoking

A Turkish restaurant owner was shot dead after he tried to comply with a new tobacco law that bans customers from smoking indoors.

Full Story

Bill Clinton meets with Kim Jong Il

The former president has talks with the Communist leader during his surprise trip to North Korea to try to free two jailed journalists.

Bill Clinton

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is National Chocolate Chip Day.

Tonight is National Night Out.

Daily Almanac

Today is Tuesday, Aug. 4, the 216th day of 2009.

There are 149 days left in the year.

Today In History August 4

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
London, England, United Kingdom
Helmond, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Telford, England, United Kingdom
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Paris, Ile-De-France, France
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
Brescia, Lombardia, Italy
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bialystok, Podlaskie, Poland
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
Hering, Ringkobing, Denmark
Brussels, Brussels-Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium

as well as Philippines, Singapore, New Zealand, Brazil, Croatia, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

It's tempting to tinker with something, but your efforts to do so might raise a whole chorus of dissension.
Reassure folks you won't be changing the substance of who you are or what you do, but a definite style refresher might be due.
After all, it'll keep you from getting bored and prepare you to face new challenges.
What could be better?

Been thinking of taking a class or something.