Monday, November 16, 2009

Rachel and Keith

The New York Times has a story about how MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are keeping President Obama honest. Naturally, the story gets into the whole "how is MSNBC any different than FAUX" argument.

Rachel offers up this argument:
Ms. Maddow, however, contrasts her channel’s advocacy with the activism conducted, she says, by others on cable news. “We’re articulating Liberal viewpoints,” she said at dinner, “but we’re not saying ‘Call your congressman, show up at this rally!’ ”
I beg to differ, it is much more than that.
The very fact that Rachel calls her show "Liberal" is far more than FAUX has ever admitted about its network being a bunch of wingnuts.
That's the difference - Rachel and Keith are honest and up front about where they're coming from. FAUX is not.

But it's far more than that.

1. Rachel and Keith don't routinely lie.
2. They're not bat-shit crazy.
3. Rachel's and Keith's Liberal views are not echoed in MSNBC's news coverage. On FAUX, the "news" hosts push the same wingnut talking points as the "opinion" hosts.
4. MSNBC doesn't just have three hours of Liberal programming in the evening.

What the New York Times fails to tells its readers that MSNBC also has three hours of wingnut programming in the morning, with former arch-repugican congressman Joe Scarborough.
Kind of relevant, since it means that MSNBC splits its partisan programming 50-50. FAUX has no Liberal hosts ... period.
When they did have one, for one hour (Alan Colmes), he had to share his show with an outspoken wingnut who wouldn't shut up.

Drug firms raise prices ahead of reform

Even as drug makers promise to support Washington’s health care overhaul by shaving $8 billion a year off the nation’s drug costs after the legislation takes effect, the industry has been raising its prices at the fastest rate in years.


This may explain why insurance companies like Blue Cross are raising our rates 25% and up a year.
In the last year, the industry has raised the wholesale prices of brand-name prescription drugs by about 9 percent, according to industry analysts. That will add more than $10 billion to the nation’s drug bill, which is on track to exceed $300 billion this year. By at least one analysis, it is the highest annual rate of inflation for drug prices since 1992.

The drug trend is distinctly at odds with the direction of the Consumer Price Index, which has fallen by 1.3 percent in the last year.
And mind you, they're already gouging us for prescription drug prices, charging Americans three to five times what they charge Europeans.

Obama: "I have never used Twitter"

In case you were wondering or are one of the 2,677,554 followers, BarackObama isn't Barack Obama:
President Barack Obama, the source of one of the world's most-followed Twitter account, said Monday he's never used the microblogging service.

During a town hall meeting with students in Shanghai, China, the president conceded he's never personally used Twitter, and encouraged more open internet access in China, where internet censorship runs rampant.

"First of all, let me say that I have never used Twitter," Obama told students in response to a question submitted online and conveyed by his ambassador, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman (r).
I guess he does have other things to do.

Echo: Queen of the Elephants

Also from Treehugger:

echo queen of elephants photo
Photo: Animal Planet

Great Documentary Coming to Animal Planet
At the feet of the Kilimanjaro, about 1,200 elephants have been going through one of the worst drought that the Savannah has seen in living memory. For those majestic animals, it is a struggle to stay alive, and to keep those around them safe. Echo: Queen of the Elephants is a new documentary ("Echo has been invaluable in teaching us about the social interactions, communication and leadership of elephants," says Moss. "But to those who have studied Echo for all these years--she is much more than a research subject. Echo is a powerful presence in our lives and the lives of her family. She's been a companion; she's given us joy and filled us with wonder on a daily basis, and for that, I will always be grateful." ) about a group of elephants led by their matriarch, Echo. It was filmed by some of the same people who made the acclaimed Planet Earth, so you know it's going to be something else...

Article continues: Echo: Queen of the Elephants

Deadly Leopard Seal Tries to Feed Live Penguins to Photographer

From Treehugger:

leopard seal national geographic diver photographer penguins photo
Image: Screen capture from Youtube

"Bloody Hell! That's the biggest leopard seal I've ever seen!"
Leopard seals are pretty scary predators, especially if you're a penguin. But they can be friendly to other leopard seals, which is something that photographer Paul Nicklen learned during one of his trips to Antarctica. He was taking underwater photos when a leopard seal started feeding him penguins, starting with live ones, which were released close to him (to see if he would catch them), and ending with half-chewed dead ones. One theory is that the leopard seal saw his reflection in the lens of the camera and thought that Nicklen was a fellow predator, but an awkward one in need of some help. This went on for FOUR DAYS. You have to check out the video below, the photos are great!

Wingnut Terrorists

Paul Krugman of the New York Times lucidly explains why "the takeover of the repugican party by the irrational right" is scarier than you think, even if you're already scared.

I don't know what these people love but it ain't America.

And a few of the prisoners at Guantanamo get genuine trials, while others don't, and what angers the wingnuts isn't that some won't.

Lush Dimbulb thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Sayruh Palelyn thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Swill O'Really thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Me-shell Mal-kin thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trail.
Chuckie Krauthammer thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trial.
Ruby Giuliani thinks it's awful that the accused will receive a fair trail.

Of course former Attorney General My-cull Moo-kasey thinks it's awful, but that is hardly a surprise, since Moo-kasey thinks the entire US justice system is awful.

I have always thought that the idea of innocent until proven guilty was a good one, that due process and the rule of law ought to be more than a mere cliche, but the wingnut's loudest talking heads disagree.

They never stop yelling about how much they love AmeriKKKa and accusing others of hating AmeriKKKa and they just want to 'tweak' AmeriKKKa a bit here and there, and one of their favorite 'tweaks' is skipping trials and declaring people guilty.

I don't know what these people love but it ain't America.

More Wingnuttery

In the aftermath of one Muslim going nuts and killing a bunch of soldiers, the wingnut response is that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military.
People like CNN's Wolf Blitzer and wingnut Bill Kristol, who got his job solely for being the son of wingnut Irving Kristol, say we should forego the trial and simply put the accused killer to death.

First Amendment Violation

US District Judge Cameron Currie has ruled that it's illegal for South Carolina to offer license plates endorsing Christianity.

Duh! Separation of church and state. But these continuing violations of the First Amendment by moronic legislators will only cease when they are held accountable for the cost every time these idiotic 'laws' is throw out by the courts.

Seven easy dinners

Seven easy dinners

Get dinner made and served in no time with these simple menus for every day of the week.

Starvation 'wiped out' giant deer

Giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus)
A study of ancient teeth provides new clues as to what caused the demise of one of the largest ever species of deer.

Starvation 'wiped out' giant deer

Reality Check

Republican resurgence?
They have a favorable rating of 23% and an unfavorable rating of 66%.
(Democrats are at 42-50.)
Republicans in Congress have favorable-unfavorable ratings of 15% and 70%. (Democrats are at 40-53.)
If this is a resurgent party that has captured the national mood, ... I’m Herbert Hoover.

~ Chris Edelson,

And I Quote

Sarah Palin is promoting her new book on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Sarah and Oprah.
On the one hand,
a very powerful woman qualified to be President of the United States, and on the other hand, you have Sarah.

~ David Letterman.

2009 Leonid Meteor Shower: "Strong Outburst" Expected

Monday night - Tuesday morning

During the 2009 Leonid meteor shower, you may see anywhere from 30 to 300 shooting stars an hour, depending on whether you're in the right place to see the showy peak on November 17, experts predict.

Full Story

Obama takes aim at Chinese censorship

Obama takes aim at Chinese censorship

The president delivers a pointed message on two of the thorniest issues separating China and the U.S.


Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is the International Day of Remembrance

Daily Almanac

Today is Monday, Nov. 16, the 320th day of 2009.

There are 45 days left in the year.

Today In History November 16

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway
Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Sogndal, Sogn Og Fjordane, Norway
Fourmies, Nord-Pas-De-Calais, france
Stenungsund, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Rochester, England, United Kingdom
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Porto, Porto, Portugal

as well as Serbia & Montenegro, Singapore, Scotland, Canada, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

You can hardly believe you raised your hand and got the answer ... wrong!
You have to accept the idea that you don't know everything.
It wouldn't hurt you to do some more studying next time.
No one expects you to have all the answers all the time, so don't feel bad.
Hear and act on an outside suggestion.
Collaboration may be the ultimate answer.
Tonight, spend time with a love mate.

Oh, wow, never been wrong before ... it's a new sensation.