Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are Right Wingers Backing Agribusiness Once More?

OK, it's been a Treehugger morning:

conservatives food photo
Image credit: Eat the Cake, Ana Mae

Tom Philpott over at Grist is dismayed. He says that early signs of a conservative backlash against our industrial food system are under attack, and the right wing is moving back toward support of big agribusiness, and the crony capitalism and government subsidies that make it possible. From conservative values achieving liberal green goals, to thoughts on whether environmentalism is even really a movement, there's already been plenty of discussion here on TreeHugger over the idea that green is neither an issue of the left or the right, but rather it's an issue of survival. So I for one am not surprised that many conservatives might find our current food system deeply troubling—after all, everybody eats, regardless of political persuasion. In fact, I just can't fathom why right wingers, and particularly those of a libertarian bent, would jump to the defense of business as usual.

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