Sunday, January 24, 2010

Worsening Marine Carbon Bomb Effects Confirmed In 15-Year Study Of Northern Pacific Ocean

More from Treehugger:

spectrophotometer symbol image
Banner for Urinomics Project, based on the Open Spectrophotometer design. Image

Perverse as this sounds, it feels liberating to write about ocean acidification because harassing denialists are hard pressed to claim that acidification followed repeating natural cycles after green plants covered the earth. There is no climate model to lambaste. There are no ivory tower email scandals. And, happily, no apologies are needed for including a wildly speculative glacier melt story in a supposedly peer-reviewed report. No solar cycles or tree-ring-based record reconstruction to explain either.

Now we're having some real good fun. Per the Seattle Times: "The most extensive survey of pH levels in the Pacific Ocean confirms what spot measurements have suggested: From Hawaii to Alaska, the upper reaches of the sea are becoming more acidic in concert with rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere." Why do I call this a result of the "carbon bomb?"

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