Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Typical RepugicanWingnuts
Liars and Fools
CNN's Erick Erickson says Obama wants a "safety net of authoritarianism," because Democrats love communists.
Erick you're an idiot.

WingNutDaily suggests that Obama is deliberately provoking civil unrest to establish dictatorship.
Nope, that'd be you and your cadre there, buddy.

Lush Dimbulb lies "Our country is being overthrown from within".
Wrong, you tried that with the shrub - we stopped you.

Lush Dimbulb lies Obama "willingly, purposely governs against the will of the people", "oversees the destruction of the private sector".
Wrong again asshole. The will of the people is loud and clear - they don't like you and your butt-buddies - you are just blind, deaf and dumb (as in stupid ... because lord knows you shoot off at the mouth constantly) to notice.

Guest host on Glen Brick's radio program says caller "got it just right" when she said Obama "wants to destroy America".
Playing a taped conversation with your self is so kindergarten.

CNN's Erick Erickson threatens to "pull out [his] wife’s shotgun on census workers.
Please do and while you are in prison bend over for the soap in the shower ... your fellow prisoners will like you all the more for it.

Michelle Malkin calls for a "Spartacus-type revolt".
Yeah, that's the ticket ... stupid bitch.

Faux's Sean Handjob boasts about Tea Parties and "Tim McVeigh wannabes" opposing Democrats.
And you wonder why these people are dangerous?

Michele Bachmann (retard-Minnesota) continues to falsely warn that senior citizens are in danger from "death panels" under President Obama's new health care legislation.
She can't help it she's dumber than Sarah (I know, but she is).

John Bolton says Obama is undermining American sovereignty
Then why is our standing in the opinion of the world higher than is was for the eight years of the shrub? It fact it is always higher when the repugicans are out of power ... why is that I wonder!?

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