Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wingnuts are trying to rewrite history, literally

Democrats and all sane people need to understand that these people aren't just laughable, they aren't just nuts. They're dangerous. They're doing what the Soviets used to do. It's ironic how much the wingnuts like to accuse everyone else of being Socialists. (And of course, when they say Socialist, they mean "Soviet.") The wingnuts are simply doing what they do best - accusing us of being what they already are.

Take a look at some of the lies they are trying to pawn off as history:
The Jamestown settlers? Socialists.
Founding Father Alexander Hamilton? Ill-informed professors made up all that bunk about him advocating a strong central government.

Theodore Roosevelt? Another socialist.
Franklin D. Roosevelt? Not only did he not end the Great Depression, he also created it.

Joe McCarthy? Liberals lied about him. He was a hero.
Be afraid, be very afraid. To use one of their favorite lines ... 'if they succeed it will be the end of civilization' - not just as we know it, but the end period!

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