Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Barack Obama assassination attempt used as geometry lesson

An Alabama geometry teacher has used his lesson plans to target Barack Obama, and it turned out to interest the Secret Service. The unnamed Corner High School teacher used the example of where to stand and aim if shooting Obama, to teach about angles.

And on a side note to this story ... Today while waiting for the Mrs. to have an MRI we were watching President Obama and President Calderone speak at their joint news conference and some teabagging asshole walked in the door as the president was speaking and said "that's one nigger that deserves a bullet in the head", which he immediately followed with "I can't say that" as a way of mitigating his prior statement. Although his outburst won't be investigated by the Secret Service, he still should be taught a lesson about decorum because after the bruises heal I don't think the impression of the knuckle sandwich he got for his remarks will last - such as it is with all ignoramuses. 

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