Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools
(or in this case a liar and a fool)
Faux's Glen Brick lies: President Obama is a Satan-worshiper.
That would be a falsehood there Glen ol'boy although with your penchant for projection - could it be that Satan is your deity of choice?

Faux's Glen Brick says he's "surprised" NRA convention "wasn't a DOJ sting operation where they barred all the doors and gassed us all".
Thus proving once again what a demented fool you are.

Faux's Glen Brick lies: Obama administration is made up of "Marxist revolutionaries that worship Mao".
OK, moron make up your mind (oh, excuse you don't have a mind - never mind) Mao or Satan you can't worship both - or do you?

Faux's Glen Brick lies "The people that we have running the country" are not Democrats, "they are Marxist revolutionaries".
Nope, that would be the ones we ousted when we rid the world of the shrub and the cabal in November 2008.
Lairs and Fools : The Newt Edition
Appearing on Faux News, Newt Gingrich doubles down on the lie that Obama and Democrats are threatening America as much as "Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did".
Wrong. Also, you inner idiot is showing.

Gingrich says religious leaders who support health care reform are socialists
GINGRICH: I don’t think being the leader of an organized group necessarily means that you’re going to — you will or won’t understand the critique that I just outlined. … A lot of religious leaders who come out of basically a socialist background. They don’t create wealth. They don’t create jobs. They in fact redistribute wealth and so from their perspective this is just one more opportunity to redistribute — this is sort of compulsory charity, what we used to call taxes.

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