Saturday, May 22, 2010

Canadian lake spits out strange critter


 lake spits out strange critter</a>
Is it a muskrat? An otter? Or perhaps a monster

Photographs of a strange-looking creature discovered in a remote Northern Ontario aboriginal community are creating a raging Internet debate.

The photos show a brown furry animal with a bald white face and large teeth.

The unsightly critter was spotted in Big Trout Lake by two nurses walking their dog earlier this month. The animal is about 30 centimeters long and has a rat-like tail with “almost a human face,” says the community’s website.
Some residents of Big Trout Lake, an Oji-Cree community of 1,200 south of Hudson Bay, believe the animal is a rare local creature known as an omajinaakoos, which roughly translates to “ugly one”. Band councilor Darryl Sainnawap said his great uncle spotted one about 50 years ago

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