Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Quick recap of last week's simply insane recent complaints about the Obama administration from Newt Gingrich (retard-Georgia).
Lots more on repugican teabagger Rand Paul's racist comments
Lots and lots of stories about Rand Pauls refusal to say he'd vote for the Civil Rights Act.

WSJ: Paul's Civil-Rights Remarks Ignite Row
Wash Post: Rand Paul comments about civil rights stir controversy
Eugene Robinson: GOP's Tea Party invite might still be in the mail
The Hill: Rand Paul causes Civil Rights Act controversy with desegregation remarks
AP: Rand Paul Is 'Kentucky Fried Candidate' Over Civil Rights Comments
Lexington Herald-Leader: Paul's statements on discrimination stir controversy
NYT: Tea Party Pick Causes Uproar on Civil Rights
Salon: More historic legislation Rand Paul wouldn't have supported
PoliticsDaily: Rand Paul: An Anti-Government Conspiracy Theorist?

And his latest idiocy:
What a moron.  Is that really what a teabagger is: just a shill for major corporations?  Why are there no teabagger rallies against Wall Street Bankers or corporate bunglers like BP?

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