Friday, May 21, 2010

Renault’s plan to name new car “Zoe” upsets women called Zoé Renault

The era of the mass-produced automobile has not been kind to anyone bearing the name Mégane, Clio or perhaps even Dyane. But spare a thought for a 23-year-old Paris woman who has reason to be especially distraught by plans for a new electric car: her name is Zoé Renault.

Enraged by the French manufacturer's decision to use her identity for the latest in its long line of punchy car names, the student – who has no apparent direct family link to the company – has contacted a lawyer specializing in the protection of first names and is begging Renault to change its mind.

David Koubbi, who points out that there are about 30,000 people in France called Zoé, none of whom are likely to enjoy sharing their name with an electric supermini, has written to Renault's chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, insisting that the plans constitute an attack on the rights of his clients.

"You will easily understand that, having maturely reflected on the first name they wish to give their child, parents cannot tolerate seeing this first name made commonplace and used for … marketing," Koubbi wrote.

Zoé Renault said that she did not want her identity to be reduced to the image of a car or to be associated all her life with a vehicle. "It would be unbearable for me to hear 'the Zoé has broken down', 'we have to get the Zoé overhauled' or 'so and so killed themselves in a Zoé,'" she said.

A spokesman for Renault said the company was committed to the "memorable" name, but that it was the name of a concept car and not a definitive choice.

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