Friday, May 21, 2010

Scientology raid uncovers dossiers on local "enemies": sexual habits, health info, political opinions

A raid yesterday on the Scientology office in Turin, Italy uncovered dossiers containing the personal information of local "enemies" of the church, including magistrates, cops, journalists and families of former members.
La Stampa said magistrates were now examining these documents which were "chock full" of sensitive information dealing with sexual habits, health and political inclinations. In 2000, the Italian supreme Court of Cassation recognized Scientology as a religion but said it was organized as a business and thus subject to taxation.
Member are said to pay high fees for counseling or 'auditing' to advance through the religion's various 'levels'.
Scientology has been at the center of controversy because of its nature as a sect, which has led to accusations of fraud, and many countries do not qualify it as a religion.

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