Monday, June 28, 2010

British Wingnuts launch attack on welfare recipients

This is so typical of the Tories (the British repugicans). Attack those who are the least advantaged and talk about cost savings. Nobody really doubts that there are cases of abuse but to suggest there's so much there that it will impact the budget deficit in any noticeable way is laughable. How stupid does one have to be to really believe such rubbish? As always it's too easy to attack people at the bottom while giving a free pass to the richest who have indeed bee profiting enormously from welfare handouts. Bankers, anyone? Wouldn't it be nice to see the wingnuts be half as aggressive with going after the biggest spongers of them all rather than the poor?

It's all too predictable and the same old nastiness that we've come to expect from the Tories.
Ministers are to signal a tougher approach to incapacity benefit this week as the next stage of its welfare reforms, by reducing the benefit levels of those tested if they are found capable of doing some work.

Details are expected to be announced by the work minister, Chris Grayling, this week. Early pilots suggest half of those assessed are being taken off the higher rate benefit on the basis that tests reveal they are fit to do some work, government sources say.

Those deemed capable are likely to be required to do more to make themselves available for work if they are to continue receiving benefit.

Ministers have also looked at whether they can speed up the testing, but denied a suggestion that they could treble the number tested.

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