Monday, June 28, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Liars and Fools
Louis Gohmert (retard-Texas) approvingly reads Thomas Sowell's "Obama is Hitler" essay into the Congressional record.
This is an asshole doing what assholes do - being an asshole.

Faux's Sarah Palin encourages followers to read columnist Thomas Sowell's article warning that the BP escrow fund could lead to a Nazi-like dictatorship.
Anyone still listen to what this crazy bitch says?! Now, that's a surprise.

Faux's Glenn Beck says "I think we're headed for a civil war".
No, we aren't. We averted that when we ousted the shrub and the cabal in November of 2008.

Faux's Sean Hannity and guest Stuart Varney lie: Obama and radical environmentalists have sabotaged Gulf cleanup to advance their radical socialist agenda.
No, that would be Bp along with the other oil companies and their lapdogs the repugicans who have sabotaged and are continuing to sabotage the efforts to clean up and stop the leak

Jon Voight writes in newspaper about Obama's "destruction of this country".
This from an idiot who's only claim to fame is playing to his true nature and portraying a male whore in the film Midnight Cowboy? We can discount this out of hand.

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