Saturday, June 26, 2010

Editorial Comment

There are some websites on the internet that are too full of themselves.
Of course this is also true in real life as well as there are people who are too full of themselves.
(Funny how the two coordinate almost seamlessly)
There are those sites that claim copyright when they do not have those rights.
There are those that are 'private' and 'exclusive' or at least they think they are - in the real world they're called snobs and are snubbed by all the important people - so they can go play with themselves alone while the rest of the world has fun being together.
Here at Carolina Naturally we do not claim any copyright we do not have nor are we private and exclusive.
We are pretty straight forward with our philosophy and as a result readership has grown wildly over the past few years.
This 'open philosophy' also tends to rankle those that are too full of themselves as well (an unintended but quite nice benefit) and some of the inbox missives we receive are really obscene in the use of expletives - not to mention poor spelling and atrocious grammar.
Thus proving we have the correct view on this thing called Life.
When those that think they are better than you continue to prove they are not you've done a good job.

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