Saturday, June 26, 2010

Things they're saying

About Carolina Naturally
When writing the editorial today we realized we haven't check the inbox in a few so we looked and the reaction was 'Holy, Crap!'.
There was over 2000 messages waiting on us - and yes any long time reader can tell you we are notorious for not reading them in a timely manner.
But here are a few recent comments:
(we left out the inane, insane, inept, etc., ones)

A refreshing look on events
Mark in Scotland

Honest and entertaining
Joaine in North Carolina

Keep hammering the wingnuts, we're loving it
Kyle and Carol in San Francisco

There is always something to learn
Nyuen in Singapore

My morning coffee and Carolina Naturally and I'm good to go
Pilar in Mexico

We'll post some more as we read the missives - and we do read them (maybe we should read them daily instead of whenever because 'whenever' takes forever)

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