Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is BP Burning Endangered Sea Turtles Alive?

kemps ridley turtle photo
A lucky Kemp's Ridley sea turtle that didn't get burned.
Photo: Wikipedia, public domain.
Destroying the Evidence?
Kemp's Ridley is a critically endangered species of sea turtle that can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. According to Mike Ellis (see the video interview below), BP has been keeping rescue teams from getting to the turtles and has even been burning them alive, along with other animals. Because Kemp's Ridleys are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, killing or harming them can bring civil liability and even criminal charges. Is BP trying to "destroy the evidence" by burning it?
Article continues: WTF? Is BP Burning Endangered Sea Turtles Alive? (Videos)

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