Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Real Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Of Mexico: Double Exploding Methane Trigggered Tsunamis, and more

big wave photo
Image credit:mi2g.com
If one faction of the deepwater drilling debate continues to deny any serious risk of more exploratory drilling - an example of this denial would be the court injunction, just now successfully obtained by oil industry attorneys, overturning the Federal exploratory drilling moratorium in the deepwater Gulf - it is fair and appropriate to state the ultimate potential danger of expanded drilling. And this is one serious worst case.
From the Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance, viaMi2g.com, a work-in-progress worst-case risk description concludes with this paragraph: "The danger of loss of buoyancy and cascading tsunamis in the Gulf of Mexico -- caused by the release of the massive methane and poisonous gas bubble -- has been a much lower probability in the early period of the crisis, which began on April 20th. However, as time goes by and the risk increases, this low probability high impact scenario ought not to be ignored, given that the safety and security of the personnel involved remains paramount. Could this be how nature eventually seals the hole created by the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher?"

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