Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Serial divorcé, and adulterer, Newt Gingrich goes birther

Note how Gingrich says we aren't permitted to blame FAUX News, wingnut hate radio, and Lush Dimbulb for the fact that a tiny minority of Americans - probably all FAUX News viewers - think Obama is a Muslim.
Oh, okay Newt, we won't consider the possibility that you guys are lying to your followers, and your mouth breathing followers being under-educated lemmings, believe you.

Oh, and how's that third wife going?
Former House Speaker and potential repugican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich used an appearance on Spanish-language television to sound off on questions surrounding President Obama's birthplace and religious faith, declaring the president has an "obligation" to figure out why so many Americans doubt his life story.

"If I were the president, that would really concern me, not because of Fox News or talk radio or Rush Limbaugh, but what is there that he's doing that would let that many people be confused?" Gingrich said on Univision's "Al Punto," according to a report from The Hill.

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