Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Are The repugicans The World's Only Political Party Denying Climate Change?

GOP climate image
"It is difficult to identify another political party in any democracy as thoroughly dismissive of climate science as is the repugicans here."

That's the pull quote from an important column in the National Journal today and it reveals an ugly, under-reported truth about American politics. Conservatives and conservative leaders the world over -- David Cameron's Tories in Britain, Nicolas Sarkozy in France, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union in Germany, and so on -- do not shy from the science of climate change. In fact, there's only one democracy in the world where a political party has made it a point to deny climate science: The United States. But why?
Article continues: Why Are The repugicans The World's Only  Political Party Denying Climate Change?

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