Monday, November 29, 2010

Odds and Sods

Winemaker Plans to Build Undersea Wine Cellar
Ivan Simonic, a Slovenian winemaker, plans to build a wine cellar beneath the ocean. He states that conditions beneath the ocean produce excellent wines:
A Slovenian winemaker revealed a unique technique for maturing wine when he retrieved 600 bottles that he laid six months ago in clay-made amphoras on the Adriatic seabed.
The sparkling wine, named Poseidon after the Greek god of the sea, was placed at a depth of 30 metres where the temperature is between 12 and 13 degrees Celsius, perfect for storing and maturing wine, Ivan Simonic said.
The constant movement of the sea means the usual techniques used to mature sparkling wine are not necessary, he added.

Bacon Candles
You know what's great about bacon? Everything! Bacon is delicious. It's true that healthwise bacon leaves a lot to be desired, but just smelling bacon is possibly one of the most amazing things in the world.

And how we enjoy that wonderful meaty sweet and smokey aroma without the temptation and subsequent belt-busting and heart-clogging richness of actual cured-pork ingestion?
Bacon scented candles, of course!

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