Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Olympics Organizers Sweating Over Lack of Snowfall

They ain't been around here then.

From Treehugger:

winter olympics rain photo

"Can't we just have them water-ski instead?"

Photo via The Telegraph

While the Eastern seaboard of the US faces whiteout conditions, the host city for the Winter Olympics, set to open this Friday, is finding itself strangely short on snow. Since organizers realized that none was on the way, they have been scrambling to do all they can to ensure there's enough of the stuff to support the games. The problem is that temperatures during January were the highest on record and snowfall has been sparse. Conditions are so balmy, in fact, residents have been seen wearing shorts.

38% of World's Land in Danger of Turning into Desert


If you're not familiar with desertification, it might be time to get acquainted. The term describes the process where land in drier areas becomes subject to 'extreme deterioration' as a result of human activities. It can be caused by any combination of the following: overgrazing, extracting too much water from aquifers, rerouting of water from its natural sources to population centers, and yes, warming climate. And a new report in the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment has some pretty terrifying news: over a 3rd of the world's surface is in danger of desertification.

Anthrax-laced heroin kills users

Heroin laced with anthrax has killed nearly a dozen people and sickened many more in the UK and Germany over the last three months.

From The Guardian:

The surge of cases – the most serious anthrax outbreak in the UK in recent times – has puzzled police and health experts, who remain uncertain how or where the heroin became infected. The frequently lethal bacteria is mostly found in animals in Asia and Africa, and very rarely occurs in Europe.

They are investigating whether the heroin was contaminated at its likely source in Afghanistan, perhaps from contaminated soils or contact with infected animal skins, or was infected by a cutting agent used by drugs dealers or traffickers closer to Europe...

Dr. Arif Rajpura, the director of public health with NHS Blackpool, repeated warnings to heroin users to stop taking the drug or watch closely for unusual symptoms, including rashes, swelling, severe headaches or high temperatures.

Carnivorous plant photo gallery

 Images Drosera-Regia-Carnivorous-Plants-6 Smithsonian has a slideshow of ten carnivorous plants.
Of course, classics like the Venus Flytrap and Pitcher plant are featured, but so are several you might not be familiar with such as the Waterwheel, Rainbow plant, and King sundew (pictured above)

Though the king sundew (Drosera regia) grows only in one valley in South Africa, members of the Drosera genus can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Charles Darwin devoted much of his book Insectivorous Plants to the sundews. Sticky mucilage on Drosera plants traps prey--usually an insect attracted to light reflecting off drops of dew or to the plant's reddish tentacles--and eventually suffocates it. Digestive enzymes then break down the plant's meal.

Hoisted on their own tea bag

The tea baggers are all up arms because they've been covered with the sheet of white supremacy by the most important information stream in their worldview - comic books!

Skippy has a great write up on this with many links - check it out.

Complex smells make food more filling

Food that incorporates more complex aromas appears to make you feel more full.

Complex smells make food more filling

Australia's rain may have moved to Antarctica

A new attempt to explain the 40-year drought that has crippled Western Australia says it may be linked to heavy snowfall over Antarctica.

The troglodyte bat bird of South America

Is it a bird or is it a bat?
The split-personality, echolocating, cave-dwelling oilbird doesn't seem to know.


Stinky flower is kept warm by yeast partner

A European herb, the stinking hellebore, is the only plant discovered so far that relies on another organism to generate heat.

Stinky flower is kept warm by yeast partner

Resurrection: ancient humans 'rise from dead'

A man who lived 4400 years ago has become the first ancient human to have his genome sequenced – Egyptian and South American mummies could be next.

DNA reveals ancient human's face

From BBC-Science:
Ancient man
DNA analysis of human hair preserved for 4,000 years in Greenland's permafrost yields clues to the owner's appearance.

Rachel names the repugican hypocrites

Joe Sudbay has this to say:

This is Rachel at her best.
Most of the traditional media types just accept the repugican talking points and criticisms of Obama without question.
But, it's quite stunning how many of them are hypocrites -- saying one thing one day, something else the next.
These are the people with whom the White House wants to work in a bipartisan manner.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

There's a lot of fodder for t.v. ads in this piece.
If there's one thing the American people don't like, it's a hypocrite.

America's Taliban in action

From Crooks and Liars:
Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley Drake of Buena Park sent out an email Monday night, saying that perhaps his prayers had been answered with the death of Rep. John Murtha yesterday.

“Maybe God took him out,” Drake wrote. “Maybe God Answered our IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed every 30 days.”

The Pennsylvania congressman, a decorated former Marine who fiercely opposed the Iraq war, died at the age of 77 after complications from gallbladder surgery.

New York Marks 75th Year Of Gator Legend

New York officials had a ceremony at City Hall marking Alligators in Sewers Day, celebrating the 75th anniversary of the popular legend.
New York Marks 75th Year Of Gator Legend

Man Too Young For Child Support Claims

A Florida man says the state is trying to force him to pay child support for a child who was born when he was 7 years old.

Man Too Young For Child Support Claims


You know, he just might have a point

While it is 'physically possible' (but damn rare in Humans of that age) that he could have fathered a child at seven years of age it is highly unlikely.

Man accused of tattooing toddler's rear end

Police say an Ohio man tattooed the letter "A" on the rear end of a 1-year-old girl visiting his home.

Man accused of tattooing toddler's rear end

Connecticut school cafeteria worker, teen face charges after food fight turns into real fight

A Connecticut school cafeteria worker and a 13-year-old girl face criminal charges after police said a food fight turned into a real fight.

Food fight turns into real fight

California Man Allegedly Tried To Buy Boys' Urine

Manhattan Beach police have arrested a man they claim tried to buy urine from boys at an elementary school.

California Man Allegedly Tried To Buy Boys' Urine

That is so wrong on so many levels!

And I Quote

The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself.

~ Sir Richard Francis Burton

Morans for repugicans

More repugican stupidity:


This 'sign' was spotted at Sarah Palin's rally for Rick Perry in Houston on Sunday by Bryan Fotographer at the Houston Press, who also provided the caption: "The 'Get a brain, morans' sign guy must have been busy on Sunday."

Pam Geller tries to tell Ron Reagan Jr. she knows better what his father would think of Palin

From Crooks and Liars:

If you ever needed evidence that right-wingers have no boundaries -- in terms logic, ethics, or basic decency -- that they will not trample all over in the defense of conservative "values" and leaders, check out Pam "Atlas Wanks Shrugs" Geller earlier this week on the Joy Behar show (along with Stephanie Miller), trying to tell Ron Reagan Jr. that his father would have been a big fan of Sarah Palin:

Behar: Ronald, let me ask Ron -- why do we pay attention to this woman? She has a point.

Reagan: Well, indeed, and I think we do have to pay attention to her, unfortunately -- it's sad that we have to pay attention to her, because she's totally unqualified for high office. Yet --

Geller: Your father would love her. Your father would love her.

Miller: First of all, his father didn't quit halfway through the term.

Geller: Neither did she. Neither did she. She did not quit. The Lower 48 needed her, and she heeded the call. She did not take the easy way out.

Reagan: No, she quit. No, Pam, she quit. When you leave the governorship halfway through your first term, it's called quitting. She quit.

Geller: She came to lead the next revolution.

Reagan: Quit. Quit.

Behar: Ron, Ron -- no, I want to hear from Ron. Why would your father not like this woman?

Reagan: Because she doesn't have a thought in her head. That's why.

Geller: That's what they said about your father.

Reagan: My father knew what he stood for, you can agree with it or disagree with it, he knew how -- what he stood for, he could explain what he stood for. He was conversant in domestic and foreign policy -- she's neither! She can't explain where she stands on anything!

Geller: Your father would love her, and frankly I don't think you can speak for your father, because you -- you don't even espouse --

Reagan: No, Pam, actually, have you ever met my father, Pam? Pam, did you ever meet my father?

Geller: Did you ever meet the Founding Father. I've read everything he said. I've read everything he said.

Reagan: Did you ever meet my father? I'm asking you a simple question. You can't answer that because the answer is no. So why don't you rely on someone who knew him very well to tell you what he would think of Sarah Palin.

Behar: It's really hard for you to argue with the offspring of the guy and claim you know more than he does.

Geller: He's nothing like the father! He doesn't share the epistemology of the father. He doesn't have the nature of his father, the knowledge -- he has nothing in common with the father. Look --

Behar: He knows what his father would think rather than you.


Reagan: Is Pam still blathering about me and my father? Oh, you are. You still haven't met him, though, right? You still didn't know him, so you're just sort of making things up as you go along, right?

Geller: You never met him either. You know, you never met him either. Do you think you're making your father proud? Do you really think you're making your father proud?

Gateway Pundit thinks Geller "destroyed" Reagan. Um, okaaaay.

See what I mean? These people are from another planet.


"You never met him either. You know, you never met him either." That is what crack with do to you kiddies. Telling Ron he never met his father ... the bitch is insane. Then again, she's a wingnut so that goes without saying.

Could Lush Dimbulb Deter Pine Bark Beetles?

From Treehugger (albeit - edited for proper terminology and spelling):
Finally - a use for the blowhard!

rush limbaugh pitching baseball photo
Image credit: Elective Decisions

Jeff has already explored a whole variety of diseased and pest ridden trees this week, but the pine bark beetle's march has to be one of the biggest threats to forests in North America. Unsurprisingly, researchers are working hard to find ways to combat this debilitating pest. But some of their methods are less than conventional. Could it be that playing recordings of lush Dimbulb backwards might help deter this unwanted visitor? One debilitating pest driving another debilitating pest insane ... yes, it would work.

Could Lush Dimbulb Deter Pine Bark Beetles?


Well, he makes anyone or in this case anything with a functioning brain run screaming into the night, so ...

But it does prove what those with functioning brains have known all along ... wingnuts, i.e., repugicans are dumber than bugs.

Will Roses Smell Sweeter in a Warming World?

From Treehugger:

pink flowers climate change fragrance photo
Climate change may make flowers more fragrant. Photo by Jennifer Hattam.

"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," Shakespeare famously wrote. And the flowers sweethearts buy for future Valentine's Day gifts may smell even more fragrant, some new research suggests. But that's not necessarily a good thing.

A Clouded Leopard

The Sundaland clouded leopard, a new recently described species of big cat, is caught on camera in the wild for the first time.

White House mocks Sarah Palin from podium

Even the White House's top spokesman is getting in on the act of mocking former repugican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin for looking to talking points written on her palm during a speech to "tea party" activists.

Full Story

Small earthquake wakes up northern Illinois

The U.S. Geological Survey said a mild, 4.3 magnitude earthquake shook northern Illinois at about 3:59 a.m.
The epicenter of the quake was near Sycamore and Virgil, officials reported, and located about 3.1 miles underground.

Full Story

Nothing says Love like cocaine and roses

A week before Valentine's Day, a consignment of cocaine was found hidden among 20,000 roses from Latin America at Amsterdam airport, Dutch authorities said Wednesday.

Dutch find cocaine hidden among Valentine roses

Does "thinking outside the box" drive you mad?

Grumpy colleagues, slow computers and office jargon are the things that annoy workers most, according to a survey on Wednesday.

Does "thinking outside the box" drive you mad?

Man steals ambulance with patient inside

Authorities say a drunken man stole an ambulance from a Wisconsin ski area with the patient and paramedics still inside.

Full Story

Things You Can Do Now To Prepare For High Winds

As if the snow, ice, sleet and rain hasn't been enough ...

Preparing for high winds is just as important as preparing for any other severe weather. If you plan ahead, you're likely to spare time, money--and in some cases, your life.

Things You Can Do Now To Prepare For High Winds

Today is ...

Today is Wednesday, February 10, the 41st day of 2010.

There are 324 days left in the year.

Today In History February 10

Today's unusual holiday or celebration is:

Plimsoll Day

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Manila, Manila, Philippines
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Weert, Limburg, Ntherlands
Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom
Munich, Bayern, Germany
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Athens, Attiki, Greece
London, England, United Kingdom

as well as Australia, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

If you didn't take an oath or write your promise in blood, you might want to consider changing your plans for tonight -- mostly because a startling message or event this morning will convince you that wherever you were planning to be isn't where you really want to end up.
You have a new beginning on tap.
Better get busy making it everything you know it can be.
After all, you're the only person who can.