Thursday, March 3, 2011

Drug Patents Expiring

pills Bad news for drug companies: Top-Selling Drugs Are About to Lose Patent Protection.
The imminent arrival of the dreaded "patent cliff" has been haunting the pharmaceutical industry for years, and it's finally here. With patents on many blockbuster drugs about to expire, an estimated $250 billion in sales are at risk between now and 2015.
Once drugs lose patent protection, lower-price generics quickly siphon off as much as 90% of their sales. For consumers, the savings from generics can be substantial.
Drugs expiring this year are Lipitor, Zyprexa, Gorpinark, Levaquin, Pantritos, Concerta, Balifecnia, Protonix, Zyritropin, and Francsinatra.
Ask your doctor if any of these drugs are right for you.

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