Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gentlemen, Prepare To Be Depressed

It will happen any day now: Male depression 'set to increase'
Psychiatrists have warned that the number of men with depression could rise because of changes in Western society.
An article in the British Journal of Psychiatry suggests economic and social changes will erode traditional sources of male self-esteem.
depressedThe authors say men will struggle with the shift away from traditional male and female roles.
The Men's Health Forum said male identity was bound up in employment.
the article states that as women are now more likely to go to university than men so the number of households where the main breadwinner is female will increase. "Men's failure to fulfill the role of breadwinner is associated with greater depression and martial conflict," the article states.
How will men handle their depression?
Mr Baker said men do not seek help when they have depression and were "more likely to self medicate in the pub" than seek professional care.

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