Friday, May 13, 2011

Paul Ryan says destroying Medicare gives repugicans "a great communications challenge"

Actually, Paul, repugicans have a political problem, not a "communications challenge." People get the message that you want to destroy Medicare. It's really not that complicated for people to understand. There's no way other way to spin it. And, Americans don't like it. That's going to become an electoral challenge:
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that repucicans are running into a "communications challenge" in selling their 2012 budget proposal to Americans.

Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee who authored the 2012 budget, acknowledged the repugicans face obstacles but pushed back against the notion that it is losing a communications battle against Democrats, who have assailed Ryan's proposal to significantly reform Medicare.

"I wouldn't say we're losing the communications battle -- but we have a great communications challenge," the Wisconsin repugican said on Faux News. 

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