Friday, May 13, 2011

A tax hike and we lose medicaid

44M to Lose Medicaid in repugican plan
House repugican plans to repeal the new healthcare law and to convert the Medicaid insurance program into a block grant to states could force as many as 44 million poor and disabled Americans out of the program over the next decade, according to a new analysis by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation .

repugicans to hike taxes on 44 million Americans
Hey, I'm just using their own methodology.  After all, as John Boehner taught us today, a subsidy decrease is a tax increase.

From AP:
The House Republican budget would leave up to 44 million more low-income people uninsured as the federal government cuts states' Medicaid funding by about one-third over the next 10 years, nonpartisan groups said in a report issued Tuesday.
Cutting subsidies for Medicaid sure sounds like a tax hike to me.

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