Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our most crooked judge

Clarence 'Slappy' Thomas
"I may be whore for Whitey, but I'm a highly paid whore..."

The New York Times reports on Clarence Thomas’ highly fruitful relationship with a right-wing
millionaire named Harlan Crow. Crow has donated nearly $5 million to repugican candidates and
conservative organizations, including $100,000 to the Swift Boat Liars— and he has also been very
generous to Justice Thomas and his white wife: Since the mid-1990s, Crow has done many favors for Slappy and Virginia Thomas, helping finance a Savannah library project dedicated to Justice Thomas and reportedly
providing for Ms. Thomas to start a teabagger group.

... and this moron wants us to believe those millions aren't bribes?

I remember when one of Clinton's cabinet members, Henry Cisneros, was "caught" accepting free Dallas Cowboy tickets and plane ride to the game - THAT was the crime of the century.

Cisneros had to pay and fine and resign.

But Slappy The Wonder Judge can accept $500K in CASH and that's OK?

I guess it depends on whether you have an "r" or a "D" after your name..

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