Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Snake Oil Senator

The nutritional supplement industry is booming. They can sell stuff at outrageous prices, make all kinds of dubious claims, and are not required to demonstrate that their products actually work. Orrin-Hatch It's a dream come true for sleazy companies preying on the gullible. And they can thank Senator Orrin Hatch, Republican Mormon from Utah.
A New York Times focuses on Hatch's relationship with a Utah-based company called Xango: Hatch a ‘Natural Ally’ of Supplements Industry.
In the town of Lehi is the sprawling headquarters of Xango, where company officials praised Mr. Hatch, a Utah Republican, late last year for helping their exotic fruit juice business “operate without excessive intrusion” from Washington.
Up in Sandy, Utah, is 4 Life Research, whose top executives donated to Mr. Hatch’s last re-election campaign after federal regulators charged the company with making exaggerated claims about pills that it says helps the immune system. And nearby in West Salem, assembly-line workers at Neways fill thousands of bottles a day for a product line that includes Youthinol, a steroid-based hormone that professional sports leagues pushed to ban until Mr. Hatch blocked them.
“Senator Hatch — he’s our natural ally,” said Marc S. Ullman, a lawyer for several supplement companies.
Same old story: Pay the senator, and he'll make the laws for you.
Xango juice costs about $40 per bottle and is sold via a multilevel marketing scheme. This warning letter from the FDA describes all of the supposed benefits of this juice.

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