Sunday, September 11, 2011

Disagree with Paul Ryan ...

Get handcuffed ... get arrested.
A few weeks ago, several of Ryan's unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the august recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

So it should come as no surprise that this week, three people who paid to see Ryan speak were arrested and charged with trespassing for protesting the event. One constituent, a 71-year-old retired plumber from Kenosha, Wisconsin, was handcuffed and pushed to the ground by security: - think progress
What do you expect when you're dealing with a raging asshole like Ryan?

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