Sunday, September 11, 2011

On eve of 9/11 anniversary, repugicans want to cut money for first-responders

The repugicans always manage to be crazier than they were the day before.
President Obama requested $5.1 billion to provide disaster relief to communities struggling to recover from recent hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and wildfires. The request includes $500 million in emergency funds FEMA needs to continue to operate effectively through the end of September.

Eric Cantor, whose home state of Virginia was hit by an earthquake and Hurricane Irene, is demanding more partisan spending cuts in exchange for approving the request.
From Politico:

But a spokesperson for Eric Cantor (reptile-Va.) signaled late Friday that the repugicans are likely to insist on offsets for the $500 million in emergency funds Obama requested for 2011…

“The House has passed $1 billion in disaster relief funds that is fully offset, which we will look to move as quickly as possible.”

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