Sunday, June 24, 2012

Astronomical News

The Dry Ice 'Snowflakes' of Mars

Everyone seems to ponder the lyrics of Train's song "Drops of Jupiter," so perhaps it's about time a songwriter includes the "Snowflakes of Mars" in their next ballad. Read more
The Dry Ice 'Snowflakes' of Mars

Is It Time to Go Back to the Moon?

The scientific case for returning man to the moon has never been stronger. Read more
Is It Time to Go Back to the Moon?

Review: 'Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World'

In the Steve Carell movie, an asteroid threatens to destroy civilization. What would you do in the face of doom? Read more
Review: 'Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World'

Mars Rover Curiosity's Retro Parachute

In finalizing the design of MSL's parachute, NASA looked to mission requirements and tests carried out nearly 50 years ago. Read more
Mars Rover Curiosity's Retro Parachute

Black Holes as Exotic Particle Honeypots?

Could swarms of elusive axion particles be detected around black holes? Read more
Black Holes as Exotic Particle Honeypots?

Findings of Deep-Sea 'Alien' Hunt Revealed

Scientists are skeptical that it's an alien structure but dramatic new images are fueling debate on what is at the bottom of the Baltic. Read more

Big Asteroid 2011 AG5 Will Miss Earth in 2040

After causing a stir in 2011, continued observations of the hazardous space rock show it's not a threat. Read more
Big Asteroid 2011 AG5 Will Miss Earth in 2040

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